Teaching for Mathematical Thinking : Positioning Emerging Multilingual Students to Think and Reason Mathematically
About the Event
If we are to prepare our students for the changing world they will inherit, we must teach them to think and reason mathematically. This is our greatest teaching challenge – not because students cannot learn to think mathematically, but because we struggle to teach in ways that privilege thinking and discourse. Students who are developing mathematical literacy, as well as languages, need spaces to explore mathematical thinking and engage in mathematical discourse. We need to change our habits if we want students to change their habits. We will explore teaching practices that support mathematical thinking and reasoning for emerging multilingual learners. These practices include strategies, shifts, and reasoning routines that will support a community of learning grounded on mathematical discourse, which is essential for English learners to develop mathematical thinking, agency, and language. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Teachers of English learners who are ready to let go of past teaching practices and want to embrace new practices and mindsets about teaching mathematics. Leaders who are committed to transforming the mathematical experiences of students.